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The “Finance” Discussion with Your Parents

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There are now more than 70 million Baby Boomers in the U.S. However, millions of adult children may not be prepared to make important decisions about their parents’ future if necessary, because of a lack of knowledge about their parents’ finances.

Adult children should know about their parents’ finances in case of any emergency. Having the finance discussion with your parents is especially critical in the event of a parent’s death.  Beck, Lenox & Stolzer Estate Planning and Elder Law, LLC, LLC, recommends NASDAQ’s recent article entitled “9 Questions to Ask Aging Parents About Their Finances”  which acknowledges that speaking to aging parents about their finances isn’t easy. However, to start this process, the article gives us nine important topics you may want to discuss with your parents:

Do You Have a Financial Plan (and is it enough)? See if your parents have a financial plan. Some parents will have a solid financial plan that will let them live comfortably into their 80s or 90s. On the other hand, you may discover they’re living on a fixed budget and money is tight. If you see that you’ll need to help them financially now or in the future, start planning ASAP. Any decision to provide them with financial support will likely have an effect on your own financial plan.

Do You Have an Accessible List of All Your Accounts? Ask your parents to draft a list of their financial assets and those named as beneficiaries of those accounts and keep it in a safe place. They should also put together important contacts, such as clergy, CPA, estate planning attorney, physician, etc. This should also include user names and passwords for digital assets.

Where’s Your Will, and Who’s the Executor? In the finance discussion with your parents, find out where your parents keep their wills and estate documents. Some estate planning attorneys retain an original copy. If your parents don’t have a will, encourage them to see an estate attorney. An item that’s not commonly listed in the will, that you may want to ask about, is if your parents have prepaid for a burial plot or memorial arrangements.

Do You Have Life Insurance Policies that I Should Know About? See if your parents have any active life insurance policies. Get the details of the policies and the policy numbers. If your parents are still working, they may also have life insurance through an employer.

Are There Any Special Bequests to Family and Friends? Family heirlooms and special personal property may be a part of your parents’ estate plan. A sibling may have claimed your dad’s coin collection. Knowing your parents’ intentions and wishes for their keepsakes will make things much easier when they pass. Moreover, having conversations about family heirlooms now can help prevent any hard feelings later. Some people make up a list for their personal bequests and reference it in their wills.

Who Have You Named as Your Financial Power of Attorney? This document lets your parents name a primary and secondary person to make financial decisions on their behalf, if they become incapacitated. If you’re the one named as the person to make financial decisions, find out where all of your parents’ financial assets are held. You should also get information about their Medicare policy, any pensions and their Social Security benefits. It even helps to know their utility companies in case you need to pay these bills and must prove power of attorney.

Do You Have a Living Will? They should each have an advance health care directive or living will and health care power of attorney. These documents designate who has authority to make medical decisions on their behalf, if they became incapacitated or terminally ill. This also includes your parents’ preferences for life-sustaining treatment, including a “Do Not Resuscitate” clause, as well as their preferences on organ donation and sepulchre.

Have You Had Trouble Balancing Your Checkbook Lately or Forgotten to Pay Bills? Have a discussion about key financial decisions with your parents while they are in good health. This will let you make a plan, if they show signs of memory loss. The signs of memory loss include forgetting appointments, making occasional errors while managing household finances, or getting confused about the day of the week.

Do You Have a Long-Term Care Policy? To claim benefits of long-term care insurance, a person typically needs to be unable to perform two out of six common “activities of daily living” (bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, transferring and continence) or have a severe cognitive disorder. If your parents have a policy, access it and review its core benefits, in case you need to help them file a claim. An elder law attorney like one with Beck, Lenox & Stolzer can be a valuable party in helping your family sort through the maze of long-term care.

Having the finance discussion with your parents isn’t fun, but it will help give both you and your parents some peace of mind to know that they will be provided for, and things will be taken care of in their absence. Make sure they know that you are not just being nosy and that you truly want to ease any anxiety or stress for them, for yourself and other siblings should one or both of them become incapacitated or pass away. Your estate planning attorney can be your partner. If you do not have one, look Beck, Lenox & Stolzer up.

Reference: NASDAQ (Aug. 27, 2021) “9 Questions to Ask Aging Parents About Their Finances”


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