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Elder Abuse

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Do you suspect, or know, that somebody has been stealing from you? Maybe it’s items from your home? Or maybe it’s your money? Or perhaps you’re being pressured by someone to keep giving them cash. If so, you are not alone. It’s called elder abuse.

It is hard to imagine anyone abusing an elderly person, and yet it happens on a daily basis.  The attorneys at Beck, Lenox & Stolzer Estate Planning and Elder Law, LLC, LLC, are always observant for any signs or suggestions that a client or potential client may be a victim of elder abuse.

The Courier Tribune’s recent article entitled “Are you a victim of elder abuse?” reports that the biggest problem with elder abuse is that these thefts often go unreported.

The main reason why so many of these incidents fly under the radar and is not reported, is because the one doing the abusing is typically a family member. It may be someone who is living with the parent or a family member who offers to take a parent to the bank to cash their social security check. It could be that friendly “insurance agent” over the phone who needs to confirm a bank account number for the homeowner’s policy.

Remember that financial abuse and theft are not the only forms of elder abuse. This crime also includes emotional, sexual and physical abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Emotional abuse can include threats, belittling and verbal attacks. It can be anything that causes mental distress and pain.

Exploitation can be fraud, undue influence over a senior’s assets and being pressured to sign papers he or she does not understand. This might be a power of attorney (POA) that gives a caretaker overly broad authority to abscond with a senior’s money or property.

One Texas county says the elder abuse reports are on the rise—a phenomenon seen across the U.S.— with self-neglect comprising the largest percentage of intake reports for older people, followed by financial crimes.

If you or a loved one sees themselves in any of those categories, speak to an elder law attorney and go to the National Center on Elder Abuse website (

If you or an elderly family member have been victimized, help is available.   The Elder Abuse national hotline is 1-800-329-0210.  Click here to access that information and other resources for seniors on the Beck, Lenox & Stolzer website:

In all states, there are professionals who are required to report suspicions of maltreatment.

Known as mandatory reporters, many states have a comprehensive list of professions who must take actions and file a report, such as chiropractors, occupational therapists, member of the clergy, attorneys, animal control officers, bank employees and many others.

Reference: Courier Tribune (July 11, 2021) “Are you a victim of elder abuse?”


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